At the end of last year the Boscos choir moved to the Salesian school of Deusto to perform a small concert for the students of the center. Teachers from both school were working together throughout the course to coordinate activities, and one of those activities was this concert.
If you want to see pictures of that day you can visit this link. El coro visita Deusto
We don´t want to forget to thank the teachers Ainhoa and Miriam for inviting us to their school and to devote so much time and effort so that everything could go well.
Hi I'm Angel. I´ve just seen the comments Deusto Choir send us. I want to tell you that you gave us a great treat and we enjoyed the concert, food, visiting Bilbao and especially the coexistence of two choirs. I hope we´ll can share projects, days together because the Salesianos of Deusto behaved so well with us. Greetings Miriam, Ainhoa ...