The educational project ”Los Boscos Choir” is an initiative originated and developed in the school during the school year 2004-05 within the educational innovative project “THE CHOIR IN THE CLASSROOM”.
It’s not an after school activity but it’s about adapting and making easier the access to the curriculum of the Art subject through alternative methodology, what makes us different from other schools. All the contents we show here are completely developed inside the classroom, in the Art subject. This way, some aspects like: vocal technique, speech therapy, corporal expression... are developed inside the classroom as well as the transmission and practice of values that help the coeducation, solidarity, tolerance and respect for others.
This initiative could not have been done without the boost given by our founder Félix Urra, the continuity given by Iñaki Fernández Lerena y and the good advice that from our beginnings we have received from Santos Sastre.
After these years of intense work and seeing the progression of the students, we decided to show the activity out of the school. Therefore we participated with different foundations like: UNICEF or FERE. We were the pilot choir of the year “The Choir in the Classroom” (2005) taught by our teacher and organised by the Teachers’ Centre of La Rioja “CPR”. During the school year 2009-10 we had the opportunity to continue showing the contents of “The Choir in the Classroom” outside La Rioja, to teachers of schools of Deusto, Cruces (Biscay), and Azcoitia (Guipuzcoa), all these schools interested in our project.
During the school year 2009-10 we collaborated with the Regional government of Social Service of La Rioja in the recording of the CD “The Magic of Good Manners”. This CD is part of the pedagogic material of the Programme of Good Manners that sixty schools in la Rioja have used during the school year 2010-11.
School year 2010-11:
The year was very important for our choir due to the amount and importance of its shows. These were the most significant:
- We collaborated in the presentation of the Book “Cuentos Divertidos” by the writer Mario Martínez-Losa, organised by the bookshop Santos Ochoa.
- We obtained the first prize in the extraordinary category in the XIX Carol Contest in Aragón, celebrated in Mozart Auditorium in Zaragoza.
- We performed in the “II Week of Disability” organised by Logroño Town Hall.
- The Choir sang at the XVI Missionary Song Festival.
- We participated in V Meeting of La Rioja, celebrated in Riojaforum.
- The concert of end of the school year in the Salesian School of Deusto. There we tested an online broadcast.
Components of the Choir:
Two parents of pupils participate in the Choir Committee together with the pedagogic team, José Ángel Pozo writes and informs about the activities of the choir and Mª Fer Gil gives us information about future innovation projects, documenting them if necessary.
Our pedagogic team is: Teresa Fernández, Susana Martínez, Isabel Pérez and Daniel Urbina. The English teachers in the choir are Begoña Mesonada and Verónica Rodríguez. Nerea Sáez de Urturi and Paloma Pérez are our accompanying pianists and Ángel Alsasua Santos is our conductor.
Translated by students of 2nd Secondary Education:
Inés Bueno
Ariadna García
Iliane Luezas
Namra Mariam
Natalia Martínez
Oscar Mora
Diego Terroba
Miguel Guerrero